Monday, October 2, 2023

Condorcet's Progress of the Human Mind (extra credit)

I summarized for you Condorcet's Progress of the Human Mind in class.  You will get a somewhat better feel for Condorcet is you read the essay for yourself.  Please read through this abridged version.  What do you see here that adds to or modifies the impressions of Condorcet you got from lecture? 


  1. Jameson Palmer- After reading this article that summarizes "Progress of the Human Mind", I saw a lot of new information. For example, I saw a lot of daily objects that he looked further into and explained in detail, which I would of never thought of before. In general, he was a very smart man and didn't pass up an opportunity to learn more about something.

  2. After I read through this article I learned a few more new interesting things that adds to my impression of Condorcet. For example, I see how intelligent and how his mind works on different levels then most with the way he looks into things and or objects and how he really could break it down into little details. I can tell he loved learning about new things.

  3. After reading Progress of the Human Mind, I learned a lot more than I thought. I agree with him that truth leads to discovery, and he explained intelligence a bit more, leading knowledge to be limited in a way. Lastly, it leads to the progress of what can be done. I believe this work speaks some truth and volume.
